act different.
The speed and intensity of change impulses is constantly increasing. We believe that change management must be one of the core competencies of every manager or leader in order to cope with this.
Managers and leaders must master their tools in order to create the framework conditions that contribute to the company's success. This includes competences from management and leadership.
Every company has a culture, regardless of whether there is an architecture behind it or whether it came about by chance. Actively shaping the culture contributes significantly to achieving the goals.
Shaping Change
Still too many change processes do not achieve the desired goals. Change and transformation projects only bring about actual changes if they are very consciously and actively managed. This includes balancing the relationship between leadership and management measures in a meaningful way, depending on the situation. Dealing constructively with resistance is just as essential for the success of such a process as the fact that solutions are not only installed but, above all, effectively established.
We make transformation accessible, visible and tangible for you. We take the complexity out of change and empower your organization to consciously take responsibility for change. We are committed to making every change not only effective, but as mundane as booking a business trip.
Building Change Competences
Being able to manage change confidently is a standard requirement for every manager today.
Don't wait until projects are in need. Let's talk now!
- Building change management competencies for leaders
- Education of Change Managers / Change Agents
Accompanying Change
We accompany you as sparring partners in change and equip you with target-oriented tools and methods. We develop interventions with you in every phase of change.
Take advantage of our expertise and the view from outside!
- Project clarification and status quo for your change process
- Accompaniment in essential phases of change
- Intervention planning in change projects
- Coaching and sparring for project managers
- Support with change communication
Fostering Leadership
Managers are often so involved in operations that they are not able to fulfil their actual management responsibilities sufficiently. At the same time, expectations on the part of employees, superiors and project partners are growing.
85% of employees have no or very little loyalty to the company. Every manager has the power to change this on a daily basis.
We ensure that leadership is not only understood theoretically, but actually becomes effective. We permanently close the gap between "know-how" and "can-do". We empower leaders to navigate themselves and their teams safely through any waters and measurably increase the emotional connection to your company.
Developing leadership skills
Those who have mastered his or her toolbox and methods have a much better chance of leading a team and themselves to success.
We make you fit not only to know how to do it, but to move the right levers at the right time!
- Fundamentals of contemporary leadership
- Strengthen focus on leadership, reduce management
- Applying leadership styles safely
- Virtual leadership
- Emotional Leadership
- Agile Leadership
- Individual Coaching
Accompanying leaders and teams
Managers do not act in isolation, but are part of a system. Management teams are about speaking a common language so that strategies can be implemented in a goal-oriented way.
We accompany you in forming a powerful leadership team!
- Team Development
- Coaching and Sparring
- Individual Coaching
- Management Guidelines / Leadership Principles
- Developing team visions and values
Strengthening Culture
"This is how we do things here". Culture is the sum of all behaviours found in a company. These can either be allowed to happen or shaped in a targeted way so that they optimally support the corporate strategy. Corporate culture always has a significant influence on the key figures of a company, such as fluctuation, profit and quality. Not consciously controlling the culture means foregoing success.
Shaping culture strategically
"Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast." The importance of any strategy depends 100% on what your corporate culture allows. Values and beliefs are the drivers of all behaviour.
We work with you to develop a culture that supports the achievement of your strategic goals!
- Formulating the best culture for your strategy
- Alignment between strategy and actual culture
- Derivation of a target culture
- Digital Readiness Culture Check
Accompanying cultural transformation
At its core, every change process is a cultural transformation, because in the end it is always about leaders and employees developing their behaviour. Systems, structures, concepts and processes cannot work if they are not brought to life through visible behaviour.
We work with you to ensure that the cultural aspects of change remain in focus!
- Definition of the cultural elements relevant to the future
- Transfer of values and beliefs into visible and effective behaviour